De Wilg

De Wilg is a warm, green primary school where children are given space and time to be themselves.

You can find more information on the schoolwebsite.


STAM is the parent association of De Wilg.

This name not only refers to the name of the school (De Wilg), but also to the relationship that exists: it is a group of all parents of students at De Wilg.

All parents are automatically members of STAM and are kept informed of activities and meetings.

STAM wants to help build a good living and learning environment for children. There is a meeting every 6-7 weeks. You are always welcome, even if you do not participate in activities!

We organize a number of activities every year: a quiz, a 'fluotocht', a dance evening for the parents, a kids party, a parent-child football tournament, an evening of camping, etc.You can find these activities in our calendar (see homepage). To ensure that all this runs smoothly and that not all the work falls on the same parents, we work in teams. After all, many hands make light work.

Every team coordinates one specific activity or component and reports about it at our meetings.

With the proceeds from our activities we sponsor visible achievements (new playground equipment, beautification of buildings, new furniture, etc.).But we also achieve many intangible things: guarantee participation in school policy, answer questions from parents, provide solutions, etc.

Core team

All parents are part of STAM but there is also a core team:

Ellen De Meyer and Evy Cormon are our chairmen.

Els Lievens is our secretary and takes care of all reports.

Stephanie Peixoto is our treasurer. She ensures that our finances are in order.